Friday, December 31, 2010

and the clock ticks

Wishing you all a Happy New Year

I have thought about just deleting this blog .. even have tried a few times.. but for what ever reason I am still here.. so is this blog.. maybe its just time for a change.. I have had Essence for long time.. in that time I have met some wonderful people.. some not so.. but that is the way of life.. some good some not so good..

with the way things are going in this world of ours.. I want to hide to be honest..
but at the same time I have this need to reach out.. why I don't know.

where I am going with this I don't know that either..
guess I just wanted to say hi.. and to wish who do come in a Happy New Year.. 2011.. just does not seem right to me.. but then I didn't like the sounds of 2010 either..

there really inset much time.. and there is so much to do.. its hard to get things in order in a very disorderly step at a time..

Hold on to your faith.. hold on to the teachings that are true.. be honest in what you do.. be kind to yourself.. forgive those who cause pain.. greet one another with a smile.. for a smile can warm a cold heart.. give lots of soft hugs.. for they give comfort to ones soul.. and love.. really really give love.. for it brings about healing in a very cold world..

soft hugs with love..

Hope© All rights reserved.


  1. Happy New Year to you Hope...

  2. Hi Hope, I hope you have a Happy New Year!

    Gerry :)

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Hope...please keep this blog.

    I can't imagine a world without your positive, uplifting writings and images in it.

    You are more needed now than you realize, and I am one of your friends who need your presence most.

    Perhaps you don't have to post as frequently...please don't stop altogether.

    I'm thinking of you and wanted to tell you how grateful I am for your kindly presence in my life.

    I love you, sis.

    I wish you peace and serenity in 2011...

  4. Sometimes life deals us a blow that we never saw coming. Might it be that way with you, too? You aren't alone as it happens to everyone. Now I do have to admit, when it happens to me I always think I'm the "only one". Of course that isn't true. But my point is (before I get off course) that it's really the "blows" that end up being the blessings in disguise -- always. Think of the times you look back and say, "if such and such hadn't happened, I wouldn't have such and such now". Blessings in disguise and great learning tools for gratefulness.
    I hope you stay.
    Now as for how 2011 "sounds", UGH. It's easy to say Twenty-Ten, but Twenty-Eleven is just plain awful and never rolls off a tongue with any grace ;)
    Happy New Year, Hope XOXOXO

  5. A Very Happy New Year to you Hope, with many blessings, maybe some for all of us, will be blessings in disguise - Hugs Nita

  6. Soft hugs back at ya my lady friend.

    What beautiful words came out of the core of you. They will be at my side this day....thank you so much.

    Happy new year

  7. There can be no joy without faith for sure and that faith must be in the positive reality of divine intervention no matter the appearance of things that can raise their ugly head right in front of our face. As amazing as 2010 was for us I find myself ever looking ahead and not feeling a sense of loss at the past fading away. Happy New Year Hope...may this be the year you've waited for...may the meaning of your name shine like a bright star in the darkness in 2011!

  8. Thanks for reaching out Hope! Have a great 2011!

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I'm so glad you're still here, Hope; I've missed you.

    Much love to my sister-by-choice...

    ...and lots of bigly hugs!


I delight in reading your comments, the warmth you leave me with and the smiles to great each day.. thank you.. soft hugs always Hope