Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Let the light shine

let the light shine

When we are attached to Him (through constant prayer), when we truly let our spirits move beyond emotions, when we "step outside" of ourselves (in humility, with unconditional caring), we transcend to levels of which we have not even dreamed and see that "dark" times are just clouds we pass through.


I hope you all have a glorious day..  semi nice here..
soft hugs always ~Hope

Hope© All rights reserved. all writings and photos are copyrighted.. you may not use any of my photos without my written permission.. to use any photos please contact me.. thank you


  1. I hope you have a nice day too :)

  2. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Your blog is a beautiful escape for me, a sanctuary, thank you.
    David, NYC

  3. Hello Hope! Thanks for dropping by my blog the other day... You have a very nice blogspot here with incredible photography. :-)

  4. Hi Hope, thankyou for follow, love your photo, they're beautiful! Mei

  5. Thank you so much for the sweet visit. I hope to see you again.

  6. I appreciate you so much Hope, you're well named!

  7. Hello Hope, beautiful thoughts, awesome pictures, thank you for sharing, hugs - nita

  8. Hope I love the beads . You know that one. I carry mine with me all the time .
    Lovely Lovely.
    Have a great night
    Hugs and Love you


I delight in reading your comments, the warmth you leave me with and the smiles to great each day.. thank you.. soft hugs always Hope