Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Autumn's love

It starts with a kiss..

then an embrace..


she starts to flirt..

such a flirt

 the leaves start to fall


as they play their last symphony.



All season long Autumn will proudly display
A skein of beautiful colors day after day
Until again the cold, Northerly Winds will blow
To eagerly remind us of the forthcoming snow.

It is Autumn's disposition to please each heart
With a spectacular event from the season's start.
The dark days of winter are now approaching fast,
So, Hail to Autumn for its memorable cast.
Hazelmarie Elliott

Hope© All rights reserved. all writings and photos are copyrighted.. you may not use any of my photos without my written permission.. to use any photos please contact me.. thank you


  1. Every season does have it's own blessing and beauty, you sure captured that well my friend!

  2. Very nice! Yes, Fall is indeed in the air.

  3. Wow. I'm speechless. I've found you on David McGrievey's blog. Your photography is wonderful, amazing, fantastic, great...I'm really impressed. And the written lines are a perfect addition. I'm a fan. Definitely.

  4. I am a fan too. Are you on Flickr? I am, and I would love to Friend/Contact you. I am caroletn and my Flickr stream is on my blog. I would love to see more of your works.

  5. How very beautiful Hope. I cant wait for part two. Im in love with the first image. Stunning Girl. All are stunning.

  6. I seem to be doing my blogger rounds today, so hello Hope & beautiful photography! :-)

  7. Once again, a gorgeous series, Hope! Our fall colors are just beginning to appear. I can't wait to start capturing the majesty of these old mountains in all their glory.

  8. The hints of Autumn are slowing showing their selves. Again you capture of lighting is truly beautiful. Hugs Carrie

  9. I hope you have that first photo framed and hanging. Hope it is so stunning. The light and tone is amazing.
    Love you . xoxox
    You will always be my Sister.

  10. Thank you all for you lovely coments.. and for stoping to visit.. means a lot to me..
    and back at ya Lisa.. and yes.. its hanging.."smile"


I delight in reading your comments, the warmth you leave me with and the smiles to great each day.. thank you.. soft hugs always Hope