Thursday, September 23, 2010

a little bit of country in the fall


 secret places, where time stands still..


 My great walking around here.. not really much to see.. but its open and free..
and makes ones soul sore..


 I love railroads.. used to play around them all the time when  young.. can't do that anymore.. but the memories will always linger..

such wonder to behold on the rails of life, if one just goes beyond the bend..

 last of summers beauty..

I think I have had enough of fall.. really missing the warmth of summer..those wonderful smiles only flowers can bring.. the smell of BBQ' fire pits.. camping.. but then I can still BBQ.. so not all is lost.."smile"

Have a beautifully soft and kind day.. much love..

Hope© All rights reserved. all writings and photos are copyrighted.. you may not use any of my photos without my written permission.. to use any photos please contact me.. thank you


  1. Beautiful set of images. What a lovely walk.

  2. I remember each of these photos . One could not forget. Lovely Hope.
    Its cold here too. Stay warm .
    Stay well.
    Its busy here with the harvest with so much to do.
    Fall is Gods Gift to each fo us with the reminder the colors will come again in Spring.
    Snow at my sisters. I laughed.
    Have a nice day

  3. Hope Thank you so much for stopping by some of my older blogs and your kind commets.
    Have a peaceful night.
    Blessing my friend.

  4. Oh and I didnt know the flowers on the fence I have were Sunflowers. I had no idea what they were. The were so tiny. I think of Sunflowers as big . Thanks

  5. Very, very beautiful. I particularly like the fence image - the composition and hues.

    BTW, you leave the kindest comments. Thank you.

  6. Not much to see? I beg to differ! Wonderful pictures as usual and they do indeed speak of that!

  7. Wow! beautiful photography!
    Well done Hope, your skills in the imaging department are really excellent!

  8. So is it safe to say were basket cases.. Hope you laugh. I did.
    Thanks Hope.
    Have a nice day.

  9. Very nice collection of fall photos.Each one makes me stop and reflect.Had to turn the sound down,my daughter thinks there are flys in the house.

  10. Ha ha ha Lisa.. yep.. I guess we do at times have those "basket" moments..

  11. Oh Hope, plenty to see, plenty of peace to sense, thank you for sharing and also your words. I am not a great fan of autumn and winter but can see god's beauty in both - Have a great weekend, we have just turned our central heating on tonight, it is colder than it was. stay warm, have fun, hugs - Nita.

  12. WOW! Hope, these are all magnificent! Such beauty; and great colours!

  13. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Your photographs are beautiful, Hope...I have always been fascinated by photos which have obvious vanishing points such as the fence in the one photo, then the railroad in the other; makes me wish I could follow them deeper into the image.

    The second capture showing the branch with a few leaves before a river or stream is so delicate and lovely; it really goes with the sounds of birdsong on your Playlist player...very peaceful...

    Thank you for a wonderful ending to my blog-wandering this morning, sis. I know I'll sleep well now.

    A certain scruffy bear sends his respects...

    Love you.

  14. Such gorgeous images Hope! Would love to be there and experience the openness.... Happy weekend!

  15. Such wonderful photos!

  16. What another set of beautiful photos Hope. Fall colours can be so rich. I love each season as it rolls in - sometimes more than 1 in a day though ;-)

  17. I just love your stump. I have been trying for years to get a good stump photo. Also love the train tracks. Yes the color is creeping in with summer left over here and there. I so love this time of the year... Hugs Carrie

  18. thanks for stopping by my pet blog. we love Jake very much, he is a pit/boxer mix. looks like a brindle boxer MOSTLY. vet has him listed as Mixed Breed. a lot of mix he says.
    your photos are extraordiary and i love every one of them. love that fence going ito the sky and the railroad track. Krista knows how much i love fences and all things railroad. i have another blog, which is my main blog I post every day, the pet is just occasioanly. drop by the other one and i will be back for more browsing of the wild and beautiful west.

  19. I sent your blog to my friend Carole and I know your writing is copyright. my friend Carole in Wisconsin, would like to know if she could
    use Time Passes poem for a Silent Women's Retreat at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Oshkosh, WI on the shores of Lake Winnebago. She prints up just enough of the "handouts" to put at each person's place as they eat meals..... because there is no talking, you spend your time praying, reflecting, getting in touch with God and yourself. THe handouts are meant to prompt their thoughts and prayers.
    thanks and its ok if not

  20. What Beautiful compositions, each and everyone of them. My favorite one is the railway tracks with the golden colours and blueberry clouds, and mountains. Love how the tracks turn a corner. Makes me wonder what is around the bin. :)
    Blessings... Dianne :)


I delight in reading your comments, the warmth you leave me with and the smiles to great each day.. thank you.. soft hugs always Hope