Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Joseph and Mary..

hold me ever so tender

I always wonder about the faith that both Joseph and Mary had.. can you just imagine if an angel were to appear to you one day.. telling you that you were to have a child.. that this child will be conceived through God spirit.. what would you do? Would you like Mary.. fall upon your knees and say "let it be done unto me according to Thy Word..?

She believed..

An angle came to Joseph and told him that Mary was to have a child.. that would not be his.. but to have faith.. in that she was not unfaithful unto him..

He believed..

Mary about ready to give birth.. travels on the back of a donkey.. to a town she does not know.. in faith alone.. that all will be well..

The trails that this family went through.. bringing forth a child of God.. protecting this child.. nurturing this child.. shielding this child.. from the coldness of hearts..

They believed.

To believe so deeply.. to have faith in that belief is something for all to strive for.. a unity of spirits.. a connection to all that is Holy.. Pure.. and True..

To believe..as Joseph and Mary..

Angles still come..

Truth to be found..

Love to behold..

Listen to their whispers..

leading you home..

soft hugs ~Hope


  1. Amen, Hope. I posted a few thoughts about Mary on my MSN space (http://cmhebert.spaces.live.com). I hope this New Year finds you are well.


  2. Hope!!! Here you are!!! I asked Gelert if he had heard from you because I was worried about you. It has been so long since I saw you on Spaces. As you can see, I flirted with a blogger space for a moment. I've been playing around with it again.

    Your new space is beautiful! Do you mind if I link and let your msn buddies know youare here?

    b-t-w, I found you through Michael, a blogger friend I made early on.

    Miss you. Stop by for a visit (old or new space) Be well...

  3. Dear Hope, Joy, More than words can tell. Love the title. " Glass Beads And Tears ". Hmm. Wonder where that came from? Smile!
    Good great photograph. In the Glory of God we are blessed to share, fine art, poetry, words of love and wisdom. There one becomes love. As ever be well, More than words can tell. Stephen Craig Rowe

  4. Dear Hope, It is a compliment to know that the title is shared. When I first saw it, I smiled and felt good, glad and honored. Thank you and as ever be well. Stephen Craig Rowe


I delight in reading your comments, the warmth you leave me with and the smiles to great each day.. thank you.. soft hugs always Hope