Tuesday, October 25, 2011

autumn's little blessings

autumns kiss





 I know its been a long long time sense I have written...time goes by so fast.. can't believe its the last week of Oct.. does not seem right.. it snowed here today.. just a little.. but snow never the less.. and its been cold.. a bitter cold.. some say its going to be a cold winter.. but then I think we hear that every year.. I pray we don't have a harsh winter like last year. It really wasn't that bad where I live.. but for some of you.. last winter was pretty nasty.
Been watching my grandson a lot.. I do so enjoy him.. he is growing up so fast.  It seems he is growing at such a fast rate.. far faster than I remember when my kids were small..  but then the years go by far faster then what I remember back then as well..  Is it old age.. or is the world spinning faster.. I know its so far out of balance it makes me cry inside.. I hope you all have been well.. thank you for your kindness in checking in on me.. and sending up prayers.. I am fine.. somedays are wonderful.. somedays.. "smile"..well... what can one say.. we all have those days.. off and on through out life.. that we wish were not there..
soft hugs ~Hope

Hope© All rights reserved.


  1. Hi Hope, very nice pictures. Yes, it sure seems like time goes by fast now days. And although I like to watch the snow fall, I hope it is a little milder this year.

  2. Oh my God, Hope these photos are breath taking! So I'm not the only one who's noticed how fast the years fly by now that I'm fast approaching my "golden years". Our baby girl is out on her own, a sophomore in college and it seems like just yesterday she was running around the house with a blanket over her head saying "Ina scawy ghost!" Then there's her sister who is nearly 40 with three kids of her own, one in high school already,and her brother is almost thirty Hang in there girl; we;re all in this together!

  3. Absolutely wonderful to hear from you Hope! I can hardly believe it snowed for you but then we are neighbors...well, at least we're in the same state. I have tried to capture some fall pictures and have felt the bite in the air. Love the shots here my friend. God bless you!

  4. Hello Hope

    Good to see you on here, your pictures are awesome. Yes we all have those days, Praise God He helps us through them

    Hugs Nita

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Your photography still blows me away Hope. It's gorgeous !

    Hope I'm sorry to read that you aren't feeling so good at the moment.
    I truly hope that things will improve for you

    In the meantime Hope..
    Happy Halloween

    I hope it's a beautiful time for you !

    Gary xox

  6. Anonymous4:50 PM

    ps. Hope.. do you post photo's to flickr?
    I could visit you there and look at your gorgeous photography?

    Stay warm Hope Xx

  7. Hope you always come back with such beauty in your photos. So glad you are feeling better and able to get out to capture the beautiful things you see. The color is just gorgous. Welcome back. Hugs Carrie

  8. So Very Much Beauty in your images and your words. Hope all is well Hope.
    Loved this blog
    Blessings my friend.

  9. Thank you for letting me know you ok Hope. xo
    Hope this first Work of Art is stunning. Just Stunning.

  10. Dear Hope, The photos are fantastic. Be safe and warm this fall and winter. And as ever be well my dear friend

  11. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Hi Hope,
    I'm thinking of you
    and hoping all is well.

    Gary xox

  12. Hello sweet lady,
    Loved your post (just spotted it today). Gladd to hear you see the beauty in life trough your grandson.

    I enjoyed your pics all of them.
    So gladd you've shared.
    Softest hugs back to you Hope.

  13. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.

    What beauty you share.


I delight in reading your comments, the warmth you leave me with and the smiles to great each day.. thank you.. soft hugs always Hope